Monday, September 15, 2008

TT-masters 2008 final results

The final has now been played in which Burloque XIV beated ingy 11-5, 11-2.
Dizzee and kira22 shall play the bronze game and i will come back with the result. Thanks to all participating players and I hope to see you next year in TT-masters also. //tuggummi!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Masters quarterfinals


Burloque XIV-Immortal1

The quarter finals will proceed until monday//tuggummi!

Monday, August 25, 2008

TT-masters 2008 mainevent schedule

Today monday the group stage of the mainevent starts. 2 players from each group will proceed to the quarterfinals.

Quarter finals:

A1 vs B2

D1 vs C2

C1 vs D2

B1 vs A2

Here is the Groups again now with all qualified players:

Group A:

Group B:
Burloque XIV

Group C:

Group D:

The groupstage will proceed until sunday aug 31, 21.00
You will be able to find all results on the start page of shockplay at the same place you find results for golden tour. Good luck// tuggummi!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Masters info!

We have now decided there will be trophys for 1st, 2nd and 3d place on their infos. Also a glad surprise that the winner will win 12 free months on shockplay, 2nd and 3d place 6 free months. You can check the qualifying scores at the same place where you find info about couronne golden tour. You will also be able to check all masters scores at the same place. At monday the main event starts and I look forward to see fair play through the whole tournament. / tuggummi!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008

Draw and info about TT-masters 2008

Here follows info about masters. As I said before the qualifiers started today, the draw for the maintournament have also been done. If you are not pleased with the draw blame it on my girlfriend :) The main event will begin as soon as possible after the qualifiers ended sunday 24th. It contains 4 groups of 4 players in which the 2 best players in each group proceed to quarter-finals. Here is the draw:

Group A:

Group B:
Burloque XIV

Group C:

Group D:

Draw and info fo TT-masters


The qualifiers for TT-masters 2008 have now started. I dont have much time at the moment to write but i will come with more info and results in the next few days hopefully tomorrow // tuggummi!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

TT Masters 2008

I can proudly tell all tt players on shockplay that there is going to be a Masters-tournament.
It will start in the next few weeks and I will come with more info soon.
The prices will be as following
Winner: 3 free months on shockplay
2nd place: 2 free months
3d place: 1 free month
There will eventually be a trophy on the player info also but i cant promise that

12 players will be qualified for the maintournament and then there will be a qualifiyng group with the 4 last places for the maintournament.

Here follows a list of invited players, i will frequently update which players that accepted the invitation. I have based the draft for the first 12 places on
1. number of elite golds
2. number of TT points

Directly qualified players for the maintournament if they accept the invitation:

wickey27 - accepted
Burloque XIV - accepted
TheCommander - accepted
Kira22 - accepted
MAKF - accepted
ingy - accepted
Immortal1 - accepted
RuneBergsjö - accepted
V. - accepted
tuggummi! - accepted
Slam Dunk!!! - accepted (choosed to play on a new nick)

Players in the qualifying stage:
DEFEAT - accepted
Harrow - accepted
lincoeu - accepted
Masterpong89 - accepted
asterix - accepted
Quidprobroehoe - accepted
Zori - accepted
Surfin - accepted
Såe - accepted
Nippeh - accepted
Makax - accepted
sweep1963 - XXX
Rob22911 - accepted
Red S1
Jan43 - XXX
ervadolfi - accepted
Jonas S - accepted

Thursday, June 12, 2008

League results 241

Elite league


1a. Koenigsegg CCXR ---> Elite
lion4live ---> Elite
ervadolfi ---> Elite
jan43 ---> Elite
1b. burloque XIV --->Elite
KrustyTheClown ---> Elite

Feels very bad to see that 6/10 players in the elite league resigns at one and the same week. I would call it manipulation in a certain case by certain players. But i cant force anyone to stay if he/she doesnt want to.
But it glads me to see that Burloque and Krusty has made comebacks in the elite league and also that lion4live takes the step into the elite league for the first time. Take care//tummitummi

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Hi all! =)

I feel that I would like to tell you what kind of person your tt admin is. So thats what im going to do right now=)

Age: 17

Live: Alone with my 2 cats in Årsta, Stockholm

Job: Karamellkungen (Candy king), study sucks ;)

Where can you find me: Monday-Thursday you can mostly find me in front of my computer playing tt or couronne on shockplay. In the weekends you can mostly find me very drunk in Tantolunden with my friends for example Dan (boomguard on Shockplay).

Why I wanted to become admin in tt league is because I wanted to solve all of the problems we tt players had with all cheating and etc. I also want to make official shockplay tt tournaments which we didnt had anything since i started playing.

Before I can make that the league must be much more organised and with less cheating. So conscider what you really are doing every time you are about to steal a lag point or run away in a league game. You are destroying the fun for everyone else.
//peace tummitummi

Monday, June 2, 2008

League results week 240

Elite league

1. wickey27
2. tummitummi
3. lincoeu
5. Immortal1
6. austrakan
7. Dizzee
8. Harrow
9. Zori
10. Såe

1A. ZebRa ---> Elite
1B. kira22 --->Elite

2A. vlajko --->1A
2B. Koenigsegg CCXR --->1A
2C. Burloque XIV --->1B
2D. KrustyTheClown --->1B

Wickey takes the gold and i take my second "silver" in the elite league. Zori had a little short visit in the highest league and goes back to div 1a while Såe will be found in 1b the next week. Fun to see kira22 back in the elite same as ZebRa. Dizzee's comeback ended with 7th place and we can now see burloque and Krustytheclown in 1b. Perhaps someone of them also will be back in the elite league next week.

I want to give thumbs down for some players in the league that did'nt understand this system with play or give the +. When someone asks you to play and you dont want to, dont cry when they in the end of the week has the +. It would be very unfair if you played hide and seek all week and didnt played or gave the +. I wont be shy with yellow cards in cases like this.

have fun//tummitummi

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Interview with Burloque XIV

Interview with Burloque XIV 2008-05-28 by tummitummi

How did you for the first time find shockplay and when was it?

-That was may 2004, i was playing table tennis single-player at some game site and i saw the site at the back of the screen. So i decided to check it out and thats how it started.

Was tabletennis your favourite game from the beginning or have you had other favourites on shockplay?

-tt was definitely the reason why i came to this site, it was only a lot later that i started playing other games too, but tt has always been my favourite game. Other games i like are othello, courone, scribble, slotcar and shanghai.
Only backgammon and chess i really dont like

With 74 weeks in elite league and 10 golds you are clearly one of the best ever in tt. can you tell about some opponents you played "back in the days" when you first started and when you was playing in elite league.

You can roughly say that there are 2 periods that i have been in league. The first one was from autumn/winter 2004 until spring 2006 and the 2nd period was just 2 or 3 months in the beginning of 2007. The first period was defenitly the most fun. There were many good players who were active both at shockplay as at several forums and other tournaments that were organised. Ill tell shortly about some players that were active at that time and have retired now.
champ: by many seen as the best player ever, he was able to beat wickey and everyone else if he was in the mood. very good curves and strong defense too.

leahan: the smash king, also good defense but mostly known for his unstopable side to side and net smashes.

TheCommander: an allround very good player, has good defense and attack too. mrking: hes mostly very good at defense, but he uses tactic too by trying to play a lot at your weak side.

bigtymer: he was famous for his excellent curves.

yifeic: his original name was aeou and we have played a lot against each other as guest. He won 2 gm in 3 weeks while wickey was in league too. I wasnt there when he did that.

Wickey has also been active since spring 2004. Because there were so many good players and because I wasnt as good either, it was very hard for me to get goldmedal and the first one i got was only i mean that wasnt until april 2005. Here moyashi, the shockplay reporter of that time wrote something about it. i was quite lucky that week :)

In total i got 3 goldmedals in that first period. Then there was a long break, and when i returned in begin 2007 all the players i talked about were gone. Only wickey was there and she had won almost every goldmedal since i was gone. So the objective was to beat her and if i did that, it was just a formality to win gold. Wickey and i played about 11 times and i won 8 times of that. The points lasted often longer then an hour and we did matches of 3 or even one point. I won 7 gm in the 2-3 months i was in league. I left again because of what happened in the article i showed you. If u look at labrie-site, u can see more on many other old players i didnt tell about. especialy this u must read:
: dirty talk of wickey and champ there hehe

That was nice thoughs. I have also seen that you are about to play a national match for Netherlands against Sweden in couronne. Is that correct and is that something you look forward to?

That match has just took place last friday. I had to play against kliffhanger. ive never been so good at courone and the complete elit of courone is swedish so it wasnt hard to predict who was gonna win. It was fun though, first match i played pretty good but lost but the 2nd one against him, I was worse and so he won even more easily. I asked him if we could replace our match by one in tt, but strange enaugh he didnt agree with that :p

Then i havent stay updated enough, hehe. you are also back in tt league. are you gonna go for gold this time also?

Yes, thats the plan, i dont think i would've joined league if i saw myself as being chanceless for gm. it shouldnt be too much trouble, last time i won wickey too almost every time. =) And kira i worry about, i dont know her so well yet, but i played with her once and i was very impressed.

Well you have the confidence so the future will tell if you still have the skills with you also=) anything more you want to put in yourself?

Well, i hope it will stay active a little longer and not blead to silence again. im also glad theres a new admin with a fresh look at things and i wish you goodluck with your job.

Thank you very much for that and thanks a lot for taking time for the interview. Good luck in the comeback now and take care=)

After the interview we decided to play a game also which resulted in 11-8, 11-6 for burloque and I also think he has a lot more to give =) //peace tummitummi

Monday, May 26, 2008

League result w.239

Elite league

1. wickey27
3. tummitummi
4. Immortal1
5. austrakan
6. Såe
7. Harrow
8. Zori
9. ervadolfi
10. Icecool

1A. Angelboy --- > Elite league
1B. Lincoeu --- > Elite league

2A. boomguard ---> 1A
2B. Bonebreake ---> 1A
2B. Botsman ---> 1B
2C. kira22 ---> 1B

This is the best week in a very long time according to number of played games in league I think.
Wickey takes her 123 elite gold, and most of the games in elite league was played.
Next week we will see Angelboy and Lincoeu in elite league and there is some old faces that shows up in div 2 which is a good sign for the standard of the league. Players like KrustyTheClown, Burloque XIV and Dizzee has decided to come back. Last week Kira22 and Giannis also made comeback in league.
I can also tell that i invented a system with yellow and red cards. So make sure you follow the rules I did set. Not so much more to say for today

Enjoy your shockplaying// peace tummitummi

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Rules for TT-league

Here comes some rules that i have decided for tt league:

-Avoiding another player will lead to a + in the end of the week for the avoided player

-Lag points steals, is of course as always forbidden. If someone steals lag point against you. Just tell me. A player that i hear steals a lot of lag points will in the end be kicked from league.

-Run aways will be treated as following: in 2nd or 3rd set of the game, the game will be given 2-0 or 2-1. Remember to printscreen and mail the picture to otherwise you will only be given the +

-With this rules follows the new rule that the one with most points will always win the gold. No matter if he lost to someone with one game less played//peace tummi

Hello tt players on shockplay!

From this day, I (tummitummi) will be your admin in table tennis league on shockplay. At this site im going to post results from league and perhaps tournament results in the future.
During the next days im going to post up rules for league.

Enjoy your shockplaying// peace tummi